The Microcosm and Other Poems (1880), 21. Science quotes on: | Bow (15) | Heart (243) | Humble (54) | More (2558) | Motive (62) | Poem (104) | Thousand (340) | Value (393) I wanted certainty in the kind of way in which people want religious faith. I thought that ...
Still, this year, from Gaza and Ukraine to Washington, D.C., the end of the world feels closer to being literal than any other time in my 80 years on the planet. To borrow some lines from W. H. Auden’s Good Friday poems, lately it feels as if the world we know has been “wr...
Many people have been passing poems around on social media, lighting candles of gentleness and peace for one another in this dark night. I have taken comfort in these tender gestures, offered like balm in Gilead for the sin-sick soul. But I also have found myself browsing post-WWII poems ...
playful communal rituals, and the climactic glory of fireworks, it is a day of pleasure and joy. As a celebration of our founding ideals, however, it has always been fraught with the ironies of our national and cultural imperfections.
Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 [Complete Collection of Tang Poems]. Completed by Peng Dingqiu 彭定求 (1645–1719) and others in ca. 1706. 900 juan. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1960. Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳 [The Song Collection of Biographies of Eminent Monks]. Compiled by Zanning 贊寧...
an obligation towards their an- Religions 2023, 14, 117 14 of 24 Forced Christianization and ethnic oppression on the part of the majority has resulted in a strong counteraction in the last decades, which has appeared in many videoclips, poems, articles, posters, and other forms of cultural...
(2012) writes, "The discourse of place includes works that have been classified separately as world and regional geographies, literary anthologies, topographical histories, religious treatises, travelogues Religions 2021, 12, 904 8 of 25 and poems" (p. 3). Antrim uses this framework to describe...