A study of the CRA is particularly timely in so far as the new law on freedom of conscience passed by the USSR Supreme Soviet on 1 October 1990 envisages the replacement of the Council in its present form. The evolution of the Council for Religious Affairs Even before 1917 the autocratic ...
Religiousthe common designation for various religious groups, communities, and societies that separated from and are opposed to the prevailing currents in Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and other religions. Sectarianism originated as a form of democratic movement...
Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, religious radicalism in Russia became associated with political opposition and a search for political alternatives. The ethical tenets of popular faiths often coincided with the aspirations of revolutionaries. The collapse of the USSR ushered in a wave of religio...
Religion tends to be a deeply personal subject that evokes strong emotional responses. In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in 2015, the controversial power of religious satire to make light of conventionally sacrosanct subject matter has come to the forefront of public discussion. ...
books and carries one book written by his daughter, Natasha Vins. This family continually exercised courage and faith in the midst of persecution and are an inspiration and an example to the body of Christ, especially in a day and age today when freedom and liberty to worship God are at su...
Affair—Khomeini’sDeathFatwaagainsttheBritishwriterfor hisbookSatanicVerses—sentshockwavesthrough Europeancapitals.Thisevent marksaturningpoint.Initially,manyliberal andleftist intellectualsshowedtheirsolidarity withSalmanRush-die,whilemainstreammediaandinstitutionsoftenhesitated andimposedstaterealpolitikover freedomof ...
Religious FreedomThe author recounts his experience in the former USSR in the 1960s and his founding of Keston College (now the Keston Center at Baylor University) to document, analyze, and publicize the Soviet government's persecution of religious minorities and members of the Russian Orthodox ...
It acted by a vote of 26 to 5 (Bulgaria, Byelorussian SSR, German Democratic Republic, Syrian Arab Republic and USSR), with 15 abstentions.The body also urged States to provide adequate constitutional and legal guarantees for freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief, and expressed ...
The scientific and practical significance of this study is due to the fact that post-Soviet people, having "freed themselves" from some ideals blindly, did not believe other false ideals. Without spiritual guidelines and worldviews, a person wanders in the labyrinths of ...