All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them. Finally, I must declare that never, before or after October 13 [1917], have I observed similar atmospheric or ...
In her analysis of Jewish burial space in nineteenth-century France, Isabelle Meidinger argues that “since [Judaism and Protestantism] were minority cults and were not in direct opposition to State or civil structure, as was Catholicism, the State developed a model of regulation which was more ...
In two cases,Pausanias states that Peloponnesian cults were founded directly from Eleusis.The cult at Keleai,near Phlious,was supposedly founded by Dysaules,brother of Keleus,the king of Eleusis who,according to the Homeric Hymn to Demeter,reigned when Demeter appeared there (2.14.2).The cult...
as was commonly the case. Unfortunately, none of the temple libraries I visited in China and Japan permitted me to do a spectroscopy on the characters to detect the physical and chemical properties of the of blood scriptures. Thus, my assessment...