M. (2018). Social identity and discrimination in religious/spiritual influences on health. In D. Oman (Ed.), Why religion and spirituality matter for public health: Evidence, implications, and resources (pp. 111-137). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-31 9-73966...
"Health professionals and researchers should acknowledge the importance of religious and spiritual influences in the lives of African Americans—who tend to be highly religious," said the study's lead author LaPrincess C. Brewer, M.D., M.P.H., a preventive cardiologist and assistant professor o...
Religious/spiritual (R/S) coping has been associated with health outcomes in chronically ill adults; however, little is known about how adolescents use R/S to cope with a chronic illness such as sickle cell disease (SCD). Using a mixed method approach (quantitative surveys and qualitative inter...
Mental health University students Abbreviations BMMRS Brief Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality DASS-21 21 question version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale DSE First 15 questions of DSES addressing Daily Spiritual Experiences DSES 16 item Daily Spiritual Experience Scale FCG...
End-of-life decisions by adults with cancer: Role of religious practices and spiritual beliefs Specific attention was given to advance directives, influences on end of life decisions, discussions with family and physicians, and the role of religious practices and spiritual beliefs. 353 consecutive pat...
spiritual grief in this sense is about experiencing spirituality-related complications while mourning something. Scholarship on the topic has focused on the classic subject of bereavement research, the death of a close one, and a measure called the Inventory of Complicated Spiritual Grief (ICSG) has...
Another beneficial religious belief is an ever-present spiritual attachment figure. Negative effects of religion include its exercising aversive control to maintain conformity and its promoting an external locus of control. In contrast, mental-health professionals belong to a tradition of free inquiry ...
Culture Faith What Most Influences the Self-Identity of Americans? Culture From the Archives Meet the “Spiritual but Not Religious” Culture Faith From the Archives Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians Culture From the Archives Lead with Insight Strengthen your message, train your ...
Also, in a sample of Australian Muslim men, religious commitment influences work-life conflict, job demands, and work flexibility (Sav, 2019). In another study, intrinsic religiosity protected workers from the negative influence of burnout on job satisfaction (Bal & Kökalan, 2021). Current ...
Hardy, S. A., & King, P. E. (2019). Processes of religious and spiritual influence in adolescence: Introduction to a special section.Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(2), 244–253.https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12509 ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar ...