"Religious" refers to adherence to the beliefs, practices, and rituals of an organized religion, often within a community context, while "spiritual" denotes a more individual and personal exploration of meaning, purpose, and connection with the universe. ...
Spiritual and religious beliefs and sense of coherence in greek older adultsGiannouli, V.Giannoulis, K.European Psychiatry
nature of spirituality for this sample population as beliefs with the added dimensions of connections to God/others/nature, spiritual feelings, beliefs about an afterlife, finding meaning in events, and beliefs about a higher being, along with the themes of spiritual awakening and spiritual ...
2. Quest for the mysteries of life: People have had questions about the origins of life, what happens after death, and other existential inquiries. Religious beliefs attempt to answer these mysteries of life and fulfill people's spiritual needs. This is a significant driving force behind the em...
The aim of this study is to describe religious and spiritual beliefs of physicians and examine their influence on the decision to pursue medicine and daily medical practice. An anonymous survey was e-mailed to physicians at a large, multidisciplinary tertiary referral center with satellite clinics. ...
The current movement in American medicine toward patient-centered or relationship-centered care highlights the importance of assessing physician core beliefs and personal philosophies. Religious and spiritual beliefs are often entwined within this domain. The purpose of this study was to identify the ...
5. Religion meets the needs of life. Religious beliefs meet people's quest for the meaning of life and ultimate care, meeting spiritual needs, which is conducive to social stability. 6. Religion promotes technological progress. Some religious ideas and activities, such as astronomy and architecture...
The meaning of "symbol" as defined by Merriam-Webster. religion | Definition, Types, Beliefs, Symbols, Examples, Importance, & Facts | BritannicaReligion is human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. ...
Factors associated with spiritual and religious well-being, including positive religious and spiritual behaviors (e.g., positive religious or spiritual coping, community support, positive religious beliefs, forgiveness, strong relationship to the transcendent and secure God-attachment), have been shown to...
spirituality. The writing should reflect a deep understanding of spiritual traditions while remaining accessible to readers. Quality spiritual blogs typically demonstrate respect for diverse beliefs, share authentic personal experiences, and maintain a balanced perspective between traditional wisdom and ...