People already seek religious meaning fromvery diverse sources. There are, for instance, multiple religions thatworship extra-terrestrialsor their teachings. As these chatbots come to be used by billions of people, it is inevitable that some of these users will see the AIs as higher beings. We...
This is not bad as a practical term for “not Eleďát”, but it has two major problems: a) few people actually worship multiple gods; b) the term is also used for other cultures, such as the Bé, Uytai, or Téllinor. On the plus side, it’s closest to what Verdurians call ...
The content of ancient mythological literature and the book of Avesta and some stone inscriptions show that the Aryans who immigrated to Iran, like their Indo-European tribes, worshiped many gods. The nomadic and herder Aryans called their gods “Bagh” which means benevolent, “Ahura” which ...
Many people consider Hinduism to be polytheistic because many Hindus believe in and worship multiple deities. Buddhism, though initially a branch of Hinduism, is rarely considered polytheistic because the commands and worship of the deities (if believed in) is less important that the moral and ...
(Peru) and Aztec empires (Mexico) have complex religious systems with pyramids, worship of a sun god, and a pantheon of minor gods. Their practice of human sacrifice to the sun god,Huitzilopochtli, as necessary to prevent world destruction is distinctive from otherNorth American religious ...
(ii) Belief in multiple gods (iii) Belief in spirit in all objects (iv) worship of one God with the other gods Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (ii) (i) (iv) (ii) (2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (4) (i)...
a神道教原本是日本的传统民族宗教,最初以自然崇拜为主,属于泛灵多神信仰(精灵崇拜),视自然界各种动植物为神祇 The shintoism is originally Japan's traditional nationality religion, at first by the nature worship primarily, belongs exudes works the multi-god belief (demon worship), regards nature each ki...
This negotiation is a process that endured through the abolition of slavery and is still ongoing. The standard narrative, especially among practitioners, is that the ensuing Afro-Catholic syncretism present in most forms of Candomblé up to this day resulted from the prohibition against worshipping ...
“divinities”) inBeninany initiate may become a receptacle of the gods. (Worship of thevodunis the original source of the HaitianreligionofVodou, which emerged as a syncretism of African, Roman Catholic, and Caribbean religious traditions by African slaves in Haiti.) The possessed are referred ...
worshipers and the functions of the silkworm deity. It is proposed that silkworm deity worship is evidence of a tendency toward polytheism, and has a variety of identities and unified functions under the trend of continuous integration of three major religions and folk religion. The worship of ...