(Based on an estimated world population 6,409,765,942 by the United States Census Bureau for 1/1/2005, that is 10.11% to 11.88% of all people, making Hinduism the third largest religion behind Christianity and Islam.); developed in India from other various religions several centuries B.C....
It is only over the course of recent millennia that burial or cremation have become nearly universally accessible to the entire population of a given community. Earlier, only exceptional people were treated in this fashion—and expensively. And in Western Asia, the idea of cemeteries separate from...
According to the Census of India in the grand total of India's population i.e. 6659, 2879, 8491, the total number of Sikhs is 13,078. 146 out of which 8,937.210 are living in the Panjab province of India and the remaining 4,1409936 are scattered in the rest of the country.[1] ...
Abrahamic Religions The Abrahamic religions account for more than half of the world's population, and a great deal of focus is often given to them within comparative religion studies. The Abrahamic religions are those that include the teachings of Abraham, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam....
“He is the knower of everything. His glory is manifest in the universe He created. He shines in the hearts of people. He is the One who has endowed us with a mind and has given us life. Wise people recognize Him in their own heart and receive His bliss by finding the glorious ete...
Once the faith of millions, a small but devoted number of adherents in Asia and North America keep the flame of faith burning.
In 2025, this monumental event will take place from January 13 to February 26. During this period, an estimated 400 million people—more than the population of the United States—are expected to attend the festival. The logistical challenges of accommodating such an immense crowd are immense, bu...
in the dlPFC group (Z = − 1.75, p = 0.04) and in the pSTS/TPJ group (Z = − 2.536, p = 0.006). After FDR correction for all pairwise correlation tests, the association between God image and the IRI Personal Distress subscale in the vmPFC subgroup was not ...
(Amesha Spenta), which formed a heptad with the wise God. Each represented or symbolized one of the seven creations. The six deities in turn evoked other beneficial divinities that are in fact the beneficent gods of the pagan Iranian pantheon. He also evokes other divinities such as Mithra,...
If invited and earnestly required, these Companions make themselves knowne and familiar to Men; other wise, being in a different State and Element, they nather can nor will easily converse with them… Kirk’s account is perhaps the most technical and in-depth of the system behind the fairy ...