Religious feeling has its specific place in the realm of human morality, which should not be mixed with political and legal consciousness, or with the scientific worldview. Sometimes in Western states also the religious worldview influences major politics, but this is an isolated problem. In ...
"Religion Should not Mix With Politics": Reflections on the Prophetic Voice of the Clergy in Ghana on Nation-Building Chapter 5 Jew and Judaist, Ethnic and Religious How They Mix in America Jacob Neusner The Ethnic and the Jewish The Jews in Western democracies, especially in the United State...
Contemplates the meaning of a separation between religion and politics. Why the two should not be separate, sharply divided spheres; Case study of how a Maryland parish mixed politics with religion; How it failed to blend the two naturally and effectively; Alternative approach advocated.Cochran...
as any de-cent chemist understands that certain chemical elements should not be mixed. Be-ing reasonable, such groups or individuals sensibly accept religion’s voluntary andprivate status, and generally subscribe to the sentiment that one should give untoCaesar the things that are Caesar’s, and...
mixed native beliefs and Christianity.3→find/get religion4→something is (like) a religionTHESAURUSreligion[countable, uncountable]asetof beliefs about agod, and the ceremonies andcustomsthat go with these beliefs. Also used whentalkingabout allreligionsingeneralJudaism is one of the great religions...
down into 58 categories (to include the major five listed) a query arises as to why Christianity should not be broken down likewise? Aspinall anticipated this point when he observed that the Scottish census (as in Northern Ireland) had a breakdown by Catholic and Protestant, with important ...
In the case of the Yazidis, this position evolved into a doctrine involving conceptions of purity of sacred bloodlines that should not be mixed. (This even involves caste and sub-caste groupings within the Yazidi community that are not allowed to intermarry.) This issue has become a problem...
These so-called rules or cultural norms prescribe how one should present themselves on a date and interpret their partner’s interactions to assess the overall compatibility for a relationship. Once one finds a partner, the story is hardly over with a happily-ever-after. Rather, the relationship...
the traditional pagan cults of Ancient Romecreed [countable, uncountable] formal the religion that you belong to, and the set of beliefs that you accept in order to belong to it – often used in phrases when saying that your religion should not affect how you are treatedThere must be no ...
Before all that happened, we should not forget that it was the Savings & Loan crisis, as it was essentially Republican permission that first exposed the dangers of banking deregulations foisted on society by Reaganism. The Corporate Finance Institute summarizes it this way: “In conclusion, the...