Religion[uncountable]a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when the universe is believed to have been created by a deity, and usually including ceremonies, prayers, and laws or codes of moral conduct. ...
The most organised and effective campaigns against Australian human rights laws have been run by Christian groups and individuals. This article considers the Nadoi: Science Electronic Publishing...
East Timor’s strategic location between northwestern Australia and Indonesia has historically made it a focal point for both regional influence and cultural exchange. The island of Timor, half-occupied by East Timor, was a Portuguese trading hub for sandalwood since the 17th century. Four centuries...
laws Lawyer LCMS LDS LDS Earth Stewardship leadership leaving religion Leela Prasad legal legal history legislation legislature Lent LGBT LGBT issues LGBT issues and religion LGBT issues and the church LGBT rights LGBTQ LGBTQ and religion LGBTQ issues LGBTQI+Africa Liber...
Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom [...] 國會不得制定關於下列 事項的法律:建立宗教或禁止信教自由;剝奪言論 自由或出版 自由;或 剝奪人民 和平 集會和向政府請願伸冤的權利。 legco...
Australiahasnoofficial statereligionandpeople are free to practice any religion they want as long as they are not breaking the law. 澳大利亚没有官方国教,只要不触犯法律,人们可以根据自己的意愿自由地信仰任何宗教。
Every one of the Arab states is governed by its own unique set of laws. From a religious standpoint, it is safe to say that Muslims make up the vast majority of all Arab countries. Gambling is forbidden in Islam, and I would never advise someone to break the "laws" of their faith ...
maybe even special. When I opened the door I beheld a young man standing on our welcome mat. He was carrying some kind of satchel and a piece of paper with a name and address on it. He looked at me, then past me to my three (all-female) roommates who were in the living room,...
Some religious people opposed marriage equality in our laws on the grounds that homosexuality is not natural, and that marriage between two such people is against the word of God. Is it tart to say that these arguments come from the same people who told us that it was not natural and agai...
Under the Augustan Marriage Laws a husband was required to divorce an adulterous wife or face charges of pimping. A woman who been convicted of adultery lost half of her dowry along with a third of any other property she possessed and was then exiled to an island. [4] Later in the Empi...