Does Religion Belong in the Workplace?Byline: John Elvin, INSIGHTInsight on the News
The Workplace Trends to Watch in 2023 Even as companies have worked out many big pandemic-era questions, new ones are on the horizon, including how to keep employees engaged during tough times. 13 December 2022 Workplace & Talent Retail Employees Are Under Attack. Here’s What Brands Can Do...
Since seizing power in 2021 the Taliban has declared war on women, blocking them from the workplace, education, and public places. Women are prohibited from singing or reading aloud. Women are such a threat to the patriarchy that the Taliban seeks to render them invisible. The sight of a ...
Hyderabad, August 31 – In a bid to bolster their social media prowess, senior officers of the Lok Sabha Secretariat convened at the Media Plus Auditorium this evening for an illuminating workshop on leveraging social media tools at the workplace. The event was an integral component of the on...
rejection or damaged self esteem igniting a desire for revenge. Human Mental Health changes on a daily basis … someone can snap at a moment’s notice. Witness all the workplace and Domestic violence … people can use anything to kill another human being. But, guns are the easiest weapon....
The Curious Case of Bobby Brown v. F.L. Roberts: Why State Law Matters When Accommodating Religion in the WorkplaceWhitakerG. Warren
While current trends towards `spiritualizing' the workplace through the legitimizing of corporate spiritualities may result in a more controlled and less enchanted workplace, spirituality may well r...
That pleasure awaits us all as the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission moves ahead with plans to devise a dramatic expansion of the laws governing various forms of harassment in the workplace.Let's clear out the cobwebs first.Religious discrimination is serious. The EEOC has clear ...