Bible, Book, Religion image. Free for use. 4 comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments BibleBookReligionChristianGospelLanguageKoreanTranslationKorea Related free images BibleBookPagesOpen
The Bible is a very big deal; a much bigger deal than the pyramids of Giza and the Space Shuttle combined. It's the ancient world's Internet compressed into a single volume (John 21:25), using a technique of data compression based on natural fractals (Psalm 78:2, Matthew 13:34-35)...
THE RECONSTRUCTION OF EVERYDAY LIFE This is an ethnographic account based on interviews collected from people who rebuilt their lives after the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew in August 1992 in Dade County, Florida. Three themes describe the recovery period: a time ... KJ Smith,LL Belgrave...
Religion in all its complexity is a cornerstone of the novel. The article looks at its threefold use of religion: as a biblically based foundation of the ideology and power structures of Gilead, as an anthropological foil for the leitmotif of seeing and being seen in ...
deliverance,rescue,saving,delivery- recovery or preservation from loss or danger; "work is the deliverance of mankind"; "a surgeon's job is the saving of lives" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Revealed religion definition: religion based chiefly on the revelations of God to humans, especially as described in Scripture.. See examples of REVEALED RELIGION used in a sentence.
Religions, by which are meant the modes of divine worship proper to different tribes, nations, or communities, and based on the belief held in common by the members of them severally. . . . There is no living religion without something like a doctrine. On the other hand, a doctrine, how...
Shattering The Matrix, Shills, Signs, Signs and Symbols, Snake Brotherhood, Snake Brotherhood Kings, Social Engineering, Sociopath, Sociopath Donald Trump, Sociopathic, Sociopaths, Sociopathy, Solomon Shield, Soul-Based Intuition, Soulless, Soulless Beings, Soulless Clones, Sovereignty, Space Force = Neg...
William Chillingworth once said, "The Bible alone is the religion of Protestants." Discuss the meaning of this statement. Theological Principles of Protestantism: There are at least five principles shared by people of the Protestant faith. These principl...