Download chapterPDF Back to top Authors and Affiliations University of Wisconsin-Superior, USA George Wright Bibliographic Information Book TitleReligion, Politics and Thomas Hobbes AuthorsGeorge Wright Series TitleInternational Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées ...
includes/alignment/articletable_top.htinc" #include virtual="/includes/fontselect.htinc" BEGIN BUTTONS // --> END BUTTONS #include virtual="/journals/button_includes/noscriptbuttons1.htinc" [Access article in PDF] End of top stuff _title Politics, Religion and Text: _/title _subtitle W.E...
(2014), RELIGION, POLITICS, AND POLARIZATION: HOW RELIGIOPOLITICAL CONFLICT IS CHANGING CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. By William V. D'Antonio, Steven A. Tuch, and Josiah R. Baker. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. vii + 159 pp. $70.00 cloth, $28.00 paper. Journal for the...
religion and politicspeacebuildingconflict resolutiontransitional justiceThis working paper, commissioned by the Social Science Research Council, surveys the state of knowledge on the relationship between religion and transitional justice and, more broadly, peacebuilding. It divides its analysis into two ...
In Politics and religion in the new century: Philosophical reflections, ed. Philip Quadrio and Carrol Besseling, 387–388. Sydney: Sydney University Press. Quadrio, Philip A. 2012. Locke, secularism and the justice of the secular solution: Towards a self-reflective transcending of secular-self ...
38 PersonalIssuesofReligionandState,45 PrayerandBibleReadinginPublic Schools,51 ReligionandIssuesofEmployment,57 ReligionandPoliticsinAmericanPublic OpinionandPublicAttitudestowardthe FreeExerciseofReligion,62 ReligionandPoliticsintheFramingofthe Constitution,68 ReligioninTimesofWar,72 ReligiousProselytizersandthe...
RELIGION AND POLITICS- PERSPECTIVES OF THE SOCIAL TEACHING OF THE CHURCH3. THE CHURCH AND CIVIL SOCIETYThe Fathers of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council in 1965 reflected in deep detail on the role and place of the Church and the Christian in the modern world. In its statement ... Evenden-Kenyon Religion and Modern Politics Understanding the Impact of the Remain and Leave Campaigns, and of Faith Demographics AIntroduction While commonly – and rightly – seen as the result of a shrinking adherence to for-mal religious communit...
Religion in the lives of the elderly: contemporary and historical perspectives Matenga E (2011). The Soapstone birds of Great Zimbabwe: Archaeological Heritage, Religion and Politics in Post- colonial Zimbabwe and the Return of Cultural Property, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala...
W. J. STANKIEWICZ. Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France: A Study of Political Ideas From the Monarcho machs to Bayle, as Reflected in the Tol eration Controversy. Pp. x, 269. Berke ley and Los Angeles: University of Cali fornia Press, 1960. $6.00...