Less understood is how adherence to specific religious traditions (e.g., evangelical Protestant, Catholic, mainline Protestant) is associated with rates of crime, especially across particular age groups toward which religious traditions devote varying degrees of structural and cultural resources. Using ...
the underlying mechanisms have not been adequately explored. To begin addressing this, the current study examines the association between religious attendance, four aspects of congregational support, two health-related religious beliefs, and the use of preventive services (cholesterol...
This prediction is confirmed by various empirical studies considering crime rates (Ellis, 1985; Evans et al., 1995; Baier and Wright, 2001), cheating (Grasmick et al., 1991), social attitudes (Wilson and Musick, 1997; Shariff and Norenzayan, 2007), as well as business, finance and ...
China has been making great progress in recent years in human rights protection. The United States needs to give "particular attention" to its own human rights problems, including high crime rates and deteriorating race relations. Against the backdrop of the recent clash between white supremacists ...
He’s all about strength and dominance. Make sure to keep him on your side. His blessings can enhance your military defenses, but if you disrespect him, expect increased crime rates, sabotage to your defenses and mythological beasts to be headed your way! VenusVenus, the outgoing and flirty...
matters digital editions archives longform links communities libraries schools u.s., state, county officials about us the publication advertising rates special sections donations the staff reaching us subscriptions more use tab to navigate through the menu items. religion in michigan’s public school ...
discrimination happens. Most schools have counseling, multicultural clubs and departments, but families who are looking for racially inclusive environments at diverse institutions can also look at thecampus ethnicity breakdown,retention and graduation rates to see how ethnic minority students perfor...
“Anti-vaxxer”, of course, is the media’s derogatory label for anyone who dares to question public vaccine policy. To question public policy is to commit the crime of heresy against the vaccine religion. That is what Andrew Wakefield did, unrepentantly. And so he had to be punished for...
“Religious distress is an expression of real distress and a protest against this distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, the spirit of a spiritless condition. It is the opium of the masses. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness...
contributing to medical misinformation. Medical misinformation causes higher rates of death and negative health outcomes, a lack of trust in medical professionals, and more racism and hate crimes. One possible way to combat the spread of misinformation is education surrounding media literacy. Still, ...