5. The minister was relieved of his post. 部长被解除了职务。 relieve 网络解释 1. 缓解:竹炭(Bamboo Charcoal)也可以起到防辐射的作用10.在电脑前坐一段时间以后,脸会很热,有紧绷的(tight)感觉,这时候可以用手撮(rub)一下脸,可以缓解(relieve)症状,减轻(lessen impact)连续辐射带来的影响.再用手轻压(...
to take theplaceof someone andcontinuedoingtheirjoborduties:接替;换…的班;替下 I'm ondutyuntil 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to relieve me.我要值班到下午两点,两点以后彼得就会来换班。 [T]formal tofreeaplacethat has beensurroundedby anenemyarmybymilitaryforce:将(某地从敌人的围困中)解围...
to be relieved of a job 卸肩儿·卸肩兒 to help relieve (a crisis) 緩解·缓解 to relieve fever to relieve (sb of their duties) 解除 to relieve acidity 解酸药·解酸藥 to relieve boredom or melancholy 更多(+51) 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“relieve"翻译成 中文 变形 干 ...
3. a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time. The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; (also adjective) a relief driver.relevo 4. the act of freeing a town etc from siege. the relief of Mafeking.liberación 5. a way of ...
宜城教育资源网www.ychedu.comrelieve用法_中文释义_ 词义辨析_relief release relieve 三者区别relieveof1.takefromsb.;freesb.from替…拿;使某人免于Letmerelieveyouofthatheavyparcel.让我替你提那个重包。You'dbetterrelieveMaryofsomeofthehousewk.你最好减轻一点玛丽的家务活。2.dismissfrom(aposition)解除(某人...
3. relieve sb of their post/duties/command etc formal to officially take away someone's job from them, especially because they have done something wrong: ▪ Pravda revealed that the first secretary, Anatoly Gerasimov, had been relieved of his post. ...
If someone relieves you of something, they take it away from you. e.g. A porter relieved her of the three large cases. 一个行李搬运工替她扛了3个大包。 4. 接替…的职位;代…的班 If you relieve someone, you take their place and continue to do the job or duty that they have been ...
a)formalHELPto help someone by taking something from them, especially a job they do not want to do or something heavy that they are carrying解除〔某人〕的负担 A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.
换班 huànbān to change shift; the next work shift; to relieve (a workman on the previous shift); to take over the job 援救 yuánjiù to come to the aid of; to save; to rescue from danger; to relieve 抒 shū to express; to give expression to; variant of 紓; to relieve 纾 shū...
[...] turn create a lot of job opportunities to help relieve the unemployment problem resulted from the economic restructuring of these developed countries. legco.gov.hk 更重要的是,這種商機同時提供大量就業機會,有助改善 這些已發展國家因經濟轉型而造成的失業問題。 legco.gov.hk [...] follow...