Este descubrimiento pone de relieve que los plaguicidas causan efectos y consecuencias no deseadas en especies que no son destino de los plaguicidas.
EL RELIEVE COMO UN FACTOR DE LA PELIGROSIDAD DE INUNDACIN EN LA CUENCA ALTA DEL ARROYO SAUCE CORTO (BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA)doi:10.7203/CGUV.111.26542FLOODSRUNOFFSAUCESHAZARDSThe analysis of the relief characteristics of a hydrographic basin is relevant for the study of flo...
The objective of this work was to make estimates of potential (EP) and current (EA) losses of soil in production systems (SP) with different coverage and topographic characteristics, within the limits of the Luduea stream basin (Santa Fe, Argentina), using the Univer...