Looking for Relic of the True Cross? Find out information about Relic of the True Cross. The cross upon which Jesus was crucified has long been called the True Cross. Supposedly rediscovered by Saint Helena in 326 CE, fragments of the cross are... Explan
Relic of the Holy Diaper: The Swaddling Clothes of Jesus PostedbyReliquarianinTextile ≈Leave a comment Tags Aachen,Croatia,Dubrovnik,Germany,Magi,Marienschrein,relic,reliquary,Saint Joseph,Saint Mary,swaddling clothes Giorgione, The Adoration of the Shepherds, oil on panel (1477), National Gallery ...
遺跡, 遗迹, 遗物是“relic"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:There are relics that pre-date the universe itself. ↔ 在 宇宙 開始 之前 的 遺跡 relic noun 语法 That which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 遺跡 ...
While the circumstances remain in dispute between Russia and Ukraine, the whereabouts of a piece of the "True Cross" — what believers say is the wood of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified — have also been called into question. The timing is also notable, as ...
The timing is also notable, as this week is Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday in the Christian religion, marking Jesus Christ’s death by crucifixion and resurrection. The Russian Orthodox Church announced in early 2020 that the tiny relic used to belong to a Catholic Church and...
It is not by seeing and touching religious relics that a person acts in harmony with Jesus’ words about the worship that God desires. 耶稣曾宣布怎样的崇拜才是上帝所悦纳的,但人绝非借着看见和触摸宗教遗物才能行事与他的话一致。 jw2019 Seriously concerned at all attacks upon religious places, ...
Holy Lance, also called Spear of Destiny, a legendary Christian relic that pierced the side of Jesus Christ at the Crucifixion. It was reportedly discovered in June 1098 during the First Crusade at Antioch by Peter Bartholomew, a Christian Crusader, but