As geroscience became increasingly interested in the dissociation between chronological and biological aging, technical advances in molecular sequencing technologies [27], especially the quantification of epigenetic DNAm, have led to the emergence of a series of methylation clocks [40,41]. In brief, th...
Citation APA Level of writing Undergraduate 3-4 Discipline Statistics Discussion post 2 pages Title Psychological benefits of breastfeeding Citation APA Level of writing Undergraduate 3-4 Discipline Statistics Lab report 4 pages Title Ohms' law Citation MLA Level of writing Undergraduate 1-2 Discipline...
1b). All samples had postmortem intervals <5 h and an RNA integrity score (RIN) ≥ 9.0; demographics, summary sequencing statistics and read length distributions are shown in Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Figs. 1–4. Poly(A)-enriched complementary DNA from each sample was ...
We report descriptive statistics, the percentage of participants reporting ever having avoided telling a clinician each of the 7 types of medically relevant information, and the reasons they chose for doing so. We used multiple logistic regression to examine the demographic characteristics that were ass...
Potentiation consists of weight-dependent and weight-independent components whose weights are of the same order of magnitude. It further suggests that synaptic depression should be triggered by rare and relevant inputs but at the same time serves to unlearn the baseline statistics of the network's ...
Perfectionism cognitions are associated with cognitive biases (including memory), depression, and anxiety. Memory biases related to perfectionism may contribute to perfectionism’s role as a transdiagnostic risk factor and high comorbidity rates. However, very limited research exists on the relationship bet...
Before we introduce you to these four assumptions, do not be surprised if, when analysing your own data using SPSS Statistics, one or more of these assumptions is violated (i.e., is not met). This is not uncommon when working with real-world data rather than textbook examples, which ...
Participants were assessed before and after treatment on depressive symptoms, depression diagnoses, anxiety symptoms, and social functioning. Data analyses included descriptive statistics and ANCOVA, using the intent-to-treat approach, with last observation carried forward. Results. Of the 25 women in ...
The National Academy of Medicine has long advocated for a “learning healthcare system” that produces constantly updated reference data during the care process. Moving toward a rapid learning system to solve intractable problems in health demands a bala
Quality of life of PD patients was assessed by Parkinson Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQ) -39 items. The higher the score of the scale, the worse the quality of life. Data analyses Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS Statistics 20.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). P value was ...