Higher education has been one of the major thematic areas of the European journal of education over the years, and the relationships between higher education [and] the world of work [has] been one of the 10 major themes in this area. The multitude of related articles shows substantial ...
An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Peru This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European ... PA Cazorla - Proc...
Public Administration EducationRelevance (EducationSocial EnvironmentTutors responsible for the delivery of material relating to the context, as opposed to the content, of employment on vocationally oriented higher education programmes, including those in business and public sector studies, face a variety ...
The model presented in this paper presents a view of the relevance of the higher education in the 21st century that begins from the changes that are taking place in the production of knowledge. The major change is the emergence of a distributed knowledge production system. Knowledge production an...
2.In order to be geared to the needs of the development of the society, individuals and higher education itself, the degree ofrelevanceof higher educa tion should be raised.高等教育要适应和切合社会、个人和自身发展的需要,就必须提高高等教育的适切性,必须以多样化的形式,以动态的、多层次的高等教育适...
an increasing share of employees can be considered underemployed and suffering from credential inflation. At the lower levels of education men have suffered from underemployment and credential inflation more than women. At the higher levels of education it is the reverse. It also appears that young ...
While institutions of higher education have introduced tens of thousands of new certificates, one could posit that the majority do little more than further complicate the environment for the learner and lead to little in terms of actual advancement. For the most part, they are largely developed wi...
For the reader ofHigher Education's Road to Relevance, the good news is that none of the structural challenges that Ambrose and Wankel identify have gone away. If anything, the challenges of rising institutional costs and declining revenues have only been heightened by the pandemic. ...
The world is changing rapidly and education is a political priority of the foreground. The high-quality human capital is developed in the educational systems of high quality. The wider international community believes that an approach that does not focus on higher education can leave companies ...
Relevance of Linear Programme in Higher Education in Ahmedabad CityAt the same time, educational research has expanded our understanding of how individuals learn, information technology has become a tool' for learning, hence our roles as learners become as essentia! as any other aspect of our ...