This second way of classifying particulars is one which obviously has more relevance to psychology than the other. View in context "We have had a very pleasant time of it here," he said, giving up as inexplicable the relevance of the doctrine of necessity. View in context Suddenly she said...
Intuitively,relevanceisapotentialpropertynotonlyofutterancesandotherobservablephenomena,butofthoughts,memoriesandconclusionsofinferences.Inrelevance-theoreticterms,anyexternalstimulusorinternalrepresentationwhichprovidesaninputtocognitiveprocessesmayberelevanttoanindividualatsometime.A 4 AccordingtoRelevanceTheory,utterancesraise...
On the other hand, the cross-correlation term performs actual learning where different inputs are correlated with each other. Consequently, we would like to minimize the autocorrelation and maximize the cross-correlation. Here we show that we can achieve this with a third factor that switches on...
in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly...
aHow much a term contributes to a document’s relevance score depends not only on its weight, but also on the term’s place within the hierarchy and its links to other terms. 多少一项条款为一份文件的相关性成绩撰稿不仅仅取决于其重量,而且在等级制度和其与其他条款的联系中的条款的地方上。 [...
(a)Therelevanceofthe strategic objectivesbyprogramme area (education, the sciences, culture and communication and information) and of the two cross-cutting themes as defined in the Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 for[...] ...
{1})\). Considering that any connected realization withn1 ≠ {0,n} has at least onem10, the second term of Equation6counts the minimum number of links between then1andn0in the case then1are arranged into a clique. The bounds tom00can be obtained using the same rationale as that ...
As economies began to reopen gradually, IPO activity also began to increase again, with a number of highly valued companies revealing plans to go public in the months ahead. There may also be a number of spinoffs and other transaction strategies that lower the risk of short-term volatility in...
GET/_search{"query":{"filtered":{"filter":{"term":{"user_id":1}}} Filters have no bearing on_score, and the missing-but-impliedmatch_allquery just sets the_scoreto a neutral value of1for all documents. In other words, all documents are considered to be equally relevant. Sorting...
autocomplete, fuzzy matching is constrained to terms within the current shard. For example, if a shard contains "Microsoft" and a partial term of "micro" is entered, the search engine will match on "Microsoft" in that shard, but not in other shards that hold the remaining parts of the ...