release PO的意思其实就是批准了的采购订单,如果采购订单没有RELEASE的话,是无效的。
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business Workflow Hi Everyone, I have a custom Bor object for BUS2012 , for PO approval through workflow. I have checked the parameters and binding all are in place , sometimes it doesn't release the PO when it calls BAPI_PO_RELEASE. the code is like this. WAIT...
2. PO Item级别签核,貌似没发现直接配置的地方可以做,只能用Exit了,可参看下面网摘 根据PO item单价实现PO重新release的需求 现在集团分销处有这样一个需求,一个PO的任一item的单价有增大,这张PO都需要重新审批,我知道release code可以设定changeable,但是只能 根据价值(单价或数量)增大决定是否重签,分销处的意思...
FORM frm_release_po USING u_ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln. DATA:lv_rel_code LIKE bapimmpara-rel_code. DATA:lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapireturn, ls_return TYPE bapireturn. DATA:lv_str TYPE string,lv_offset TYPE i. DATA:BEGIN OF ls_grp, frgco TYPE t16fc-frgco, END OF ls_grp, lt_grp ...
release po在sap中是什麽意思 推荐内容release po在sap中是什麽意思 来自匿名用户的提问 回答 最佳答案 释放采购订单。通常可以使用ME29N(单张释放)或者ME28(批量释放)。 2016-12-20 5 更多回答(3)© 2025 SOGOU.COM
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) hi guys! seems like i always got trouble l8ly.. and now i'm about to ask another silly ques.. how can i release PO and then run it in MM05? Can anyone please guide me with the steps? i never do this before.. thanks, crimson.Know...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP Hi, Can anyone share with me can PO release strategy set at user ID level? That's, a user can only release PO that satisfied the release code authorised to his user id and the PO must not be created by him. Regards, Lay HoonKnow...
SAP的采购审批过程(Release Procedure for Purchase Orders),是将批准组(Release group)、批准代码(Release codes)、发布标识(Release indicator),以及相关联的类(Class)、特性(Characteristic)等诸多要素,打包在一起,最终配置成审批策略(Release Strategy)。
Q : Reset the release strategy / indicator if any thing is changed in PO / Contract Solution : Step 1 ) Create implementation of BADI ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED. Step 2 ) In method posted, write the code to check if any modification is made in PO / Contract. ...
*the user exits for PRs are EXIT_SAPLEBND_001 (item release) and EXIT_SAPLEBND_004 (overall release). For all other purchasing documents, the user exit is EXIT_SAPLEBND_002* In this example I will be changing the Net Price in the PO: After changing the net ...