Git是一个分布式版本控制系统,它提供了许多功能来管理代码的版本和分支。在Git中,有两个主要的概念:标签(tag)和发布分支(release branch)。 标签(Tag)是一个特定版本的代码的快照,它用于标记代码库中的一个特定时间点的状态。标签可以帮助我们在代码库中找到重要的里程碑或版本,并且可以方便地将代码恢复到特定的标签。
1. 创建release分支:在本地的Git仓库中,使用`git branch release`命令创建一个新的分支,命名为release。这个分支将用于存放发布的代码。 2. 切换到release分支:使用`git checkout release`命令将工作区切换到release分支。 3. 合并代码:如果发布的代码是基于已经存在的其他分支(如develop分支),可以使用`git merge d...
在Post-build Actions 添加 Git Publisher 功能,第一个是 Push Only If Build Succeeds 也就是在上面的 Build 编译成功之后才会执行 点击Add Branch 添加一个新的合并分支,需要从 release 合并到 master 就可以和我下面一样写,如果是从 release 合并到 dev 分支就自己在下面写 dev 就可以 点击保存就设置完成,下...
在Post-build Actions 添加 Git Publisher 功能,第一个是 Push Only If Build Succeeds 也就是在上面的 Build 编译成功之后才会执行 点击Add Branch 添加一个新的合并分支,需要从 release 合并到 master 就可以和我下面一样写,如果是从 release 合并到 dev 分支就自己在下面写 dev 就可以 点击保存就设置完成,下...
Will merging master branch into feature branch cause some problem in the future? 10 Do we really need to branch in Git? 4 merging develop to release branch 0 Why Git Flow suggests that merging feature branches to dev branch instead of release branch 0 Git branching strategy - ...
On it says: Release branches are created from the develop branch. For example, say version 1.1.5 is the current production release and we have a big release coming up. The state of develop is ready for the “next release” and we...
On branch hotfix-ETH-confirm_release_pp Changes not stagedforcommit:(use"git add <file>..."to update what willbecommitted)(use"git checkout -- <file>..."to discard changesinworking directory)modified:src/main/java/com/exchange/service/ ...
git clone 现在项目已经在本地了,由于是刚克隆下来的,所以默认在master分支上 我们从当前的的节点拉出一个新的分支tmp,并切换至tmp分支 git branch tmp git checkout tmp 切换分支 下面在tmp分支上进行修改 ...
This is a harmless tidying activity - branches can be undeleted again easily enough in all VCS choices. In git, a tag needs to be created from the released commit before deleting the release branch, since dangling commits will be garbage collected....
When the release is stable, run the “git flow release finish” command. $git flow release finish '0.1.0'Already on 'master'Deleted branch release/0.1.0 (was f9cdbf0). After the “git flow release finish”command runs, the release branch should be deleted and a newGittag...