wss:// Welcome to purplerelay Relays Unleashed! Welcome to the world of Nostr Relays Global Network, where we’re taking the relay game to a whole new level! Discover a global network of turbocharged relays that will leave you wondering how you ever lived without it. ...
If you want to use HTTPS, you will need to change the stream URL towss://, like the following example: constrtspRelay=require('rtsp-relay');constexpress=require('express');consthttps=require('https');constfs=require('fs');constkey=fs.readFileSync('./privatekey.pem','utf8');constcer...
(service_namespace, entity_path, sas_key_name, sas_key) logging.debug("Token: %s", token) wss_uri = relaylib.createListenUrl(service_namespace, entity_path, token) logging.debug("WssURI: %s", wss_uri) try: async with websockets.connect(wss_uri) as websocket:"Sending ...
('http://'+ ns, keyrule, key) },function(ws){console.log('connection accepted'); ws.onmessage =function(event){console.log(; }; ws.on('close',function(){console.log('connection closed'); }); });console.log('listening'); wss.on('error',function(err){console.log('...
// client.js const WebSocket = require('ws'); var server = 'wss://'; var reconnectInterval = 1000 * 3; var ws; var apiKey = process.env.RELAY_KEY; var apiSecret = process.env.RELAY_SECRET; var connect = function(){ ws = new WebSocket(server); ws...
{url:'rtsp://'}));app.get('/',(req,res)=>res.send(`loadPlayer({url: 'wss://' + + '/api/stream',canvas: document.getElementById('canvas')});`),);server.listen(443); Contributing We have end-to-end tests to ensure that the module actually works. ...
wss://{namespace-address}/$hc/{path}?sb-hc-action=...&sb-hc-id=...&sb-hc-token=... Thenamespace-addressis the fully qualified domain name of the Azure Relay namespace that hosts the Hybrid Connection, typically of the form{myname} ...
- wss: Use for secured WebSocket connections.Declaration[Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "connectionType", IsRequired = true, EmitDefaultValue = true)] public string ConnectionType { get; }Property ValueTypeDescription string HostThe host name or IP address of the Relay server....
On some devices, i can't initiate a websocket connection to 'wss://'. I get this error: Error: WebSocket connection failed for URL: wss://
使用这些参数来为 GMail SMTP 电子邮件服务器设置 ClearQuest EmailRelay。另请参阅 to setup messaging with Gmail SMTP(如何设置与 Gmail SMTP 的消息传递)以了解有关防止 SSL 握手失败的指示信息。