Define relays. relays synonyms, relays pronunciation, relays translation, English dictionary definition of relays. n. 1. An act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another. 2. Sports a. A relay race. b. A division of a relay
The meaning of RELAY is a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief. How to use relay in a sentence.
Define relaying. relaying synonyms, relaying pronunciation, relaying translation, English dictionary definition of relaying. n. 1. An act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another. 2. Sports a. A relay race. b. A division o
forego the relay race Frame Relay- information technology functional relay stations- medical Generator Management Relay heavy-duty relay in turn pulls in 40 amp solid state heat sink type relay Latching relay Local Definition Relay Settings- information technology ...
Relay comes from the French relayer, which means "to change hounds on a hunt." It still has that sense of something passed in motion. You might run a relay race — each team member carries a baton part-way, then passes it on. We relay news, as when you take a message from Sally...
The meaning of RELAY is a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief. How to use relay in a sentence.
Relay definition: a series of persons relieving one another or taking turns; shift.. See examples of RELAY used in a sentence.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive relay-node selection (ARNS) method based on the exponential partition to implement message broadcasting in complex scenarios. First, we improved a relay-node selection method in the curved road scenarios through the re-definition of the optimal position ...
The below messages are sent from the Relay Server. The most important message is the Security Definition Response message. When Sierra Chart reconnects to the external data feed, new security definitions will be sent for each symbol subscribed. Therefore, the RequestID can change for a particula...
Define Relay racing. Relay racing synonyms, Relay racing pronunciation, Relay racing translation, English dictionary definition of Relay racing. n. A race between two or more teams, in which each team member participates in only a set part of the race an