try my best to relay our message to Members. 黃成智議員:主席,抱歉,今天的聲音不是很好,但我會盡力把我們 的信息向大家表達。 CS had undertaken to relay the message to CE. 政務司司長答 允將這信息轉告行政長官。 [...] Donald ...
Network communication as a message relay appears to be complicated, messy. 网络传播作为一种信息传递活动,表面上看似纷繁复杂、杂乱无章。 2. Objective: Using the advantages of the internet to improve the message relay service from Hospital Pharmacy. 前言:目的:利用网络信息优势,促进医...
If you’re using the Relay SDK with UTP or with NGO for your project, the Relay message protocol is already supported. However, if you want to use an alternative engine or networking solution, you’ll need to implement the Relay message protocol before using it. Use the Relay message proto...
ConfigMgrRelayMessage.FileType Property 项目 2016/12/30 本文内容 Syntax See Also Gets the file type for the message to relay, such as SMX or MIF. Inheriting classes must override this property. Namespace: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Messages Assembly: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement...
(StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler.class == broker.getBeanClass()) { beanDef.getPropertyValues().add("stompBrokerRelay", broker); } String name = inChannel.getBeanName() + "Executor"; if (context.getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(name)) { beanDef.getPropertyValues().add("inbound...
public long MaxReceivedMessageSize { get; set; } Eigenschaftswert Int64 Gibt die maximal zulässige Nachrichtengröße zurück. Die Standardgröße beträgt 65.536 Bytes. Gilt für: ProduktVersionen Azure SDK for .NET Legacy Zusammenarbeit...
在信封已排队发送到Kafka后发生的生产者错误数。 例如,这些错误包括"MessageTooLarge"当broker不接受超过特定大小的请求时的错误,这通常是由于无效或不一致的broker/producer配置造成的。 project_cache.eviction (Counter) 从缓存中驱逐的陈旧项目的数量。Relay会以cache.eviction_interval配置的固定时间间隔扫描内存项目缓...
"The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected email address was '<email address>'. Subject '<Test>', Account: '<Test>', Server: '<>', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 sor...