1.0.3(build 21) 证书类型 查看 Relay更新说明 iOS1.0.3线上环境更新 下载地址: https://www.pgyer.com/W8BbDz 1.线上验证 Relay的其它版本 1.0.2 (build 20)iOS1.0.2线上环境更新 下载地2024-03-15 1.0.2 (build 19)iOS1.0.2线上环境更新 下载地2024-03-11 ...
证书类型 查看 Relay更新说明 iOS1.0.3测试环境更新 下载地址: https://www.pgyer.com/ttmbbS 1.H5页面新增getIPNatAddress桥接 Relay的其它版本 1.0.3 (build 13)iOS1.0.2测试环境更新 下载地2024-03-18 1.0.2 (build 12)iOS1.0.2测试环境更新 下载地2024-03-15 ...
iPhone 截屏简介 Relay is online business banking that puts small business owners in complete control of their cash flow. What Relay offers: • 20 checking accounts to earmark cash for operations, payroll, taxes and more • Multiple debit and credit cards—with built-in spend policies—to ...
iCloud Private Relay 可用于 iCloud+,该功能仅适用于iPhone 和iPad上的 iOS 15 中的 Safari,以及装有 macOS Monterey 的 Mac。 如何打开/关闭 iCloud Private Relay 请记住,使用该功能时您可能会看到的两个缺点是互联网速度较慢,并且某些网站在使用 Private Relay 时甚至可能会阻止访问。 在运行 iOS 15 的 ...
iPhone Screenshots Description Relay is an intuitive instant messaging solution for K12 schools and districts. The client app provides both broadcast and two-way messaging capabilities for teachers, students, parents and administrators. Features of Relay include: ...
在运行 iOS 15 的iPhone或 iPad 上,打开“设置”应用 在顶部点按您的姓名> 选择iCloud 点击私人中继 点击切换开关以打开/关闭 iCloud Private Relay 开启后,您还可以选择默认的“维护一般位置”或将其更改为“使用国家和时区”(更私密,但可能会删除 Safari 中的某些本地内容) ...
根据研究,Apple使用Cloudfare服务器转移用户数据。每当这些服务器停机时,您都会看到iCloud Private Relay服务关闭一段时间。中断通常只持续片刻。一旦iCloud Private Relay恢复,用户就会注意到iCloud Private Relay是iPhone上的活动通知。如何关闭iCloud私人中继处于活动状态弹出窗口有时Apple品牌的服务器会休息...
Here's how to turn iCloud Private Relay, which helps protect your privacy when you browse the web, on or off on your iPhone. This feature is only available on Apple®iPhone®iOS 15 or later and requires aniCloud+ subscription.
You are about to download theAmazon Relay 2.12 for iPhone (iOS 15.0 or Later): Amazon Relay is a free Business App: The Amazon Relay mobile app is for carriers, owner-operators and drivers who want to manage their Relay freight on the go. From the grocery store... ...
Apple 驳斥了 T-Mobile 声称 iOS 漏洞禁用 Private Relay「更新」pple 的意思是,基本上没有人知道他们在谈论 iCloud Private Relay 的内容。本周早些时候,一些 T-Mobile 客户报告称,他们的 iPhone 上的 iCloud Private Relay 已关闭。T-Mobile表示这是由于iOS 15.2的错误造成的。现在,苹果正在回击。在给Mac...