Relaxin is a hormone secreted by the human corpus luteum of pregnancy which affects contractility of the human myometrium and the biochemical structure of the human cervix. Increased serum concentrations of relaxin in multiple gestations resulting from ovulation induction could contribute to the high ...
n.hormone secreted by the corpus luteum during the last days of pregnancy; relaxes the pelvic ligaments and prepares the uterus for labor relaxin_医学行业词汇 弛缓素,松弛素:妊娠期黄体中提取的一种水溶性多肽,分子量约8000,可使某些动物的宫颈扩张,耻骨联合松弛,对孕妇的作用尚不得而知。从孕猪卵巢中...
美[rɪ'læksɪn] 是什么意思 n. 松弛肽,耻骨松弛激素; 英英释义 relaxin[ ri'læksin ] n.hormone secreted by the corpus luteum during the last days of pregnancy; relaxes the pelvic ligaments and prepares the uterus for labor
Noun1.relaxin- hormone secreted by the corpus luteum during the last days of pregnancy; relaxes the pelvic ligaments and prepares the uterus for labor endocrine,hormone,internal secretion- the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a speci...
What hormone is secreted by the corpus luteum that maintains the uterine lining? Which hormone starts the ovulation cycle? (a) Luteinizing hormone (b) Estrogen (c) Progesterone (d) FSH. The ovaries secrete ___ when stimulated by FSH: a. es...
A hormone calledrelaxinis also secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by placental tissues. Its secretion is increased by a stimulating effect of human chorionic gonadotropin at the same time that the corpus luteum and the placenta secrete large quantities of estrogens and progesterone. ...
Relaxin (RLN) is a pleiotropic hormone of the insulin-like peptide hormone family, which is mainly secreted into the bloodstream from the ovary, uterus, and placenta during pregnancy. Therefore, RLN helps labor to progress by softening and widening the pubic symphysis and cervix, owing to its ...
During the second half of the 23-day rat pregnancy, the cervix and vagina grow and become more extensible [1–4]. Cervical wet weight increases about three fold [1–3], and vaginal wet weight increases about two fold [3]. Relaxin, which is secreted by th
产品介绍:Relaxin is a peptide hormone produced by the corpora lutea of ovaries during pregnancy in many mammalian species, including man. The secretion of the hormone into the blood stream just before parturition results in a marked softening and lengthening of the pubic symphysis and a softening ...
Relaxin, a hormone that may play a role in facilitatingdecidualizationof theendometriumand suppression of myometrial contractile activity, is produced by the largeluteal cellsof the corpusluteum.238Immunohistochemical studies show progressive accumulation from the early to lateluteal phases, withcorpora lut...