麻省理工学院 - 相对论量子场论 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I 3278 -- 51:13 App 05压强3 1296 1 28:44:38 App 基础物理Ⅰ(耶鲁大学) 336 -- 1:00:40 App AQA A Level Physics-Particle Physics 5.5万 10 2:35 App 什么是量子隧穿 993 2 6:59 App 【瞻云】人体是不是有BUG?手拎...
relativistic quantum field theorystatistical mechanicsthermodynamics/ relativistic anyon-like systemsstatistical mechanicsAharonov-Bohm effectTo study the manifestation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in many-body systems we consider the statistical mechanics of the Gross-Neveu model on a ring (1+1 dimensions)...
relativistic mean-field theoryfinite nucleiquark degrees of freedomMIT bag modelnuclear charge distributionenergy spectraRelativistic Hartree equations for spherical nuclei have been derived from a relativistic quark model of the structure of bound nucleons which interact through the (self-consistent) ...
In brief, our main contribution is to implement cluster states in relativistic quantum field theory, paving the way to relativistic quantum computing schemes. This is a step beyond the various proposed nonrelativistic implementations of continuous variable cluster states. References 1. Ladd, T. D. ...
measured shift in the energy of an atom or a molecule and the effective electric field , which can be calculated. This article deals with the calculations of effective electric fields in the leading molecular candidates in the search for eEDM, using ab initio relativistic quantum chemical methods...
solution of the alternative theory. There are two problems if we follow this method. Firstly, there are a large number of alternative scenarios to Einstein's gravity, and none seems to be more motivated than the others, so we should repeat this study for every alternative theory of gravity....
[8] based on the semiclassical periodic orbit (PO) theory, which was pioneered by Gutzwiller [9,10]. Casati considered a billiard with the shape of a stadium. Billiards provide a particularly suited model for studies in the context of quantum chaos. The dynamics of classical billiards (CBs)...
To derive the second Friedmann equation for a general fluid field, we employ the relativistic equation 𝐸=𝑚E=m, relating the energy of a particle at rest to its mass. We substitute the mass density with the energy density in the Newtonian Lagrangian (30) with 𝑅=1R=1, resulting in...