The positive predictive values of the single-item thresholds for high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were 88.2% and 89.6%, respectively. This method has been used in prior large-scale national studies of more than 15 000 US physicians.21 Symptoms of Depression and Suicidal ...
PHYSICIANSTRAINING needsRELATIVESINTENSIVE care unitsWe write to you supporting a recent publication on Intensive Care Medicine [[1]] with data from our international survey which we presented in March in the International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM) 2023. We plan to ...
For example, a researcher might be interested in counting the number of drug applications during a chemotherapy treatment. Another researcher might want to constrain a query by laboratory values, or specifically exclude patients who had a certain medical condition. We address these aspects with a ...
For humidity, temperature, atmosphere pressure and wind velocity, the missing values were imputed using linear interpolation; for sunshine duration, the missing values were filled by zero depending on the nature of meteorological data. However, the missing data issue should be negligible given the ...
Some physicians may not be able to discern entanglements with the industry as some believe that “gifts” are entitlements to them. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The greater the value the gift, the greater the responsibility. Gifts do not need to be ostentatious to be a bribe...
(to most severe symptoms). If not detailed, average values were extracted. For each study, the CBR, computed between the mean CBR of the tremor group and the mean CBR of the no-tremor group was calculated. If CBR is higher in tremor groups, the value will be above 1, if lower, the...
Decent Work and Workplace Deviance Among Chinese Physicians: A Relative Deprivation PerspectivePurpose: Managing workplace deviance has long been a hot topic in the organizational research. However, the mechanisms through which decent work affects workplace deviance have yet to be fully ...
(19–71) years, and 72.6% of the participants were women. Physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, and allied health professionals (representing about 80% of the HCWs in our hospital) accounted for 62.1% (n = 849) of the participants. When considering staff in clinical wards (n = 809), ...
It can obviate the necessity for supplementary manual annotations or calibration methodologies [5]. The deployment of AI technology empowers physicians to attain a more profound comprehension of medical afflictions. This technology assists in preventing the onset of diseases and formulating more ...