Sam Allis
In this study, we present for the first time the landscape of the lung microbiota in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia in Intensive Care Units in Saudi Arabia. DNA from 83 deep endotracheal aspirate lung samples was subjected to PacBio sequen
Relative value units(RVUs) are the result of a 10-year study by the American Medical Association and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. They are designed to establish parity in fees between specialties. On January 1, 1992, the resource-basedrelative value scale(RBRVS) became the of...
Work-relative-value-units (wRVUs) are a core metric of faculty effort but do not account for the additional work associated with intraoperative teaching. This study introduces and assesses an indexed effort, wRVU per minute (wRVU index). We hypothesize that there is a significant decrease in th...
{ formatAs(unit: string, value: number): string, // A function that could be used to format `value` in `unit`s. // Example: `formatAs('second', -2)` // Outputs: "2 seconds ago" now: number, // The current date timestamp. future: boolean // Is `true` if `date > now`,...
”The worth of something is relative; it can only be measured in terms of the value of something else. When the comparison involves time, the common prratice is to take a value known at one point in time and multiply it by the change in an average price index.[1]Yet, in most ...
But none of that is of value when you don’t know the contagiousness of the pathogen. How many copies of the virus do you need to have before it establishes itself clinically in the body? And if it sticks to your clothing and doesn’t degrade, and just brushing your hands on your ...
The base units reflect the complexity of each preoperative evaluation and the difficulty in planning and executing the anesthetic. The time units reflect the total time of oversight of the care of the patient, and the modifier units add value to the base units. The sum of the units is ...
For the analysis, we focused on the health preferences of 87 Polish migrants living full-time in Ireland compared to 87 Irish natives. We used EQ-5D-5L composite Time Trade-Off (cTTO) utility data collected as part of the Irish value set during 2015/2016 to examine the health preferences...
In one unit of FFP, we observed D-Dimer levels of 1250 µg litre−1. This value was 2.5-fold higher than the maximum of the reference range. Despite the selection process to assure the recruitment of only healthy donors, some FFP units might contain fibrin split products in ...