relative permittivity和dielectric constant在本质上都是描述材料电学性能的参数,但在应用和计算上存在一定差异。详细解释:1. 定义与性质 relative permittivity,即相对介电常数,是描述电介质材料对电场响应能力的物理量。它是电介质材料极化程度的一种量度。介电常数则是用来表示绝缘材料电容特性的一个参数...
relative permittivity是相对介电常数εr dielectric constant是真空的介电常数ε0,也可以写成vacuum permittivity 物质的介电常数permittivity,也就是εs=εr·ε0
Common materials and their relative permittivity. The dielectric constant - also called the relative permittivity indicates how easily a material can become polarized by imposition of an electric field on an insulator. Relative permittivity is the ratio of "the permittivity of a substance to the ...
1) relative permittivity 相对电容率,相对介电常数2) relative dielectric constant 相对介电常数 1. CAT of relative dielectric constant based on the method of "open-ended waveguide; 基于“终端开口波导法”相对介电常数的CAT 2. In the frequency range of 40?Hz~50?kHz,the impedance of barium-...
(General Physics) the ratio of the permittivity of a substance to that of free space. Symbol:εrAlso called:dielectric constant Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Standard Test Method for Relative Permittivity(Dielectric Constant) and Dissi-pation Factor of Polymer-Based Microwave Circuit Substrates. ASTM D3380-90 . 2003ASTM Standard D 3380-90, "Standard Test Method for Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) and Dissipation Factor of Polymer-Based Microwave...
The dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) of a solvent reflects its molecular symmetry. The value of the relative permittivity is established from a measurement relative to vacuum. The effect is produced by the orientation of dipoles along an externally applied electric field and from the se...
Designation: D924 − 23Standard Test Method forDissipation Factor (or Power Factor) and RelativePermittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Electrical InsulatingLiquids 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D924; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal...
relative permittivity 2 Articles A Look At Liquid Dielectrics September 18, 2018byDan Maloney34 Comments One evening quite a few years ago, as I was driving through my hometown I saw the telltale flashing lights of the local volunteer fire department ahead. I passed by a side road where all...