The distribution, relative abundance and biology of the deep-sea fishes of the Icelandic slope and Reykjanes Ridge. In: Hopper, Alan G. (editor.): Deep- Water Fisheries of the North Atlantic Oceanic Slope, NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences, vol. 296: 161-199....
Diversity, relative abundance and biology of fishes in Borkena and Mille Rivers were studied in April and October, 2009 using gillnets of stretched mesh size from 6-14 cm, monofilaments of different mesh size hook and line and beach seines. Abiotic parameters, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ...
Whiteblotched skateBathyraja maculatais most abundant in slope areas of the eastern Bering Sea, off the Aleutians, the eastern Sea of Okhotsk, and the Pacific waters off Kamchatka and northern Kurils.It is most abundant at depths ranged 400 to 700m and bottom temperatures 3.1 to 4.5°C.Total...
fieldand laboratory studies were conducted to generate informationabout the biology and abundance of the major species,Based on contribution to overall parasitisation. the opiineparasitoids associated with B. dorsalis in star fruit can bearranged in the following order of importance : Biosteresper...
Thus the AM fungal TF-species abundance distribu- tion had a closer fit to the ZSM than any other model (ZSM: AIC ¼ 223.46; broken stick: AIC ¼ 392.11; log-normal: AIC ¼ 468.04). Analysis of variation partitioning between spatial (PCNM eigenfunctions) and environmental variables (...
(all forms, as a percentage), organic carbon, inorganic carbon, total carbon, total sulfur (ppm), Lime-CaCO3 (%), pH, EC (µS/cm), phosphorus (P2O5, in mg/kg) and percent organic matter. PCA was conducted to reduce the number of soil chemistry variables that may differ between ...
The accuracy of differential abundance detection was assessed based on the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), which is a percental measure for the deviation of all spike-in ratios from the theoretical ones. The formula for the calculation is: ͯ ͯ1 n MAPE ϭ n At Ϫ Ft At...
V. and J. MAGNUSSON 1995 -- The distribution, relative abundance, and biology of the deep-sea fishes of the Icelandic Slope and Reykjanes Ridge. In Deep-Water Fisheries of the North Atlantic Oceanic Slope. Hopper, A. G. (Ed.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands; Kluwer Academic: 161-199....
The instinctive behaviour and biological clock of the bees might also be responsible for their activities. It seemed that floral rewards, environmental factors and innate behaviour of different Apis species have influenced the bee abundance on the parental lines.DR. Jasvir Singh DalioLec. In Biology...
The relative abundance of brown trout in acidic softwaterBiology, Fish