(This is as opposed to parallel minor or major, which shares the same tonic.) For example, G major and E minor both have a single sharp in their key signature at F♯; therefore, E minor is the relative minor of G major, and conversely G major is the relative major of E minor....
Population outbreaks of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTS;Acanthasterspp.) are a major contributor to loss of hard coral throughout the Indo-Pacific. On Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR), management interventions have evolved over four COTS outbreaks to include: (1) manual COTS control, (2) ...
In the pivotal SHARP study and subsequent Asia-Pacific Study, sorafenib improved the median overall survival by 2–3 months in patients with advanced HCC (3, 6). Despite this significant improvement in survival, the efficacy of sorafenib against HCC is modest, with an objective tumor response ...
This paper investigates the interplay between allocyclic controls and antecedent topography in the evolution of submerged coastal landforms, including a back-stepped delta. Using high-resolution tools, we examine the wave-dominated Thukela shelf, and define the major seismic units. Key features ...
Assembly file version, just Major and Minor Assembly generation failed: Referenced assembly "xyz" does not have a strong name AssemblyInfo.cs? Assert if two 2D arrays are equal Assert.AreEqual<DateTime> problem Assign a value from App.Config to a Attribute of a Property assigning a tooltip for...
-FeOOH in very unstable under acidic conditions, can quickly generate Fe3O4 and H+ effects, leading to sharp increases in the relative content of rust layer of Fe3O4 components in, quickly become the major components of rust layer.
Need a way to do XML serialization of enum to/from int without XmlEnum attribute Need help changing RestSharp to HttpClient Need password to publish project Need to translate the yes/no button in a message box to a different language without creating custom message box in c# No such host is...
In such conditions, the role of internal waves should be substantial. Considering the internal waves breaking as the major turbulent mixing agent in the deep ocean [29,30], the following parameterization of eddy diffusivity, K = a0 success N , where a0 is a in modelling of the constant, ...
Regional VLM complexity is explained by Wellington's tectonic setting adjacent to a major active plate boundary, where the underlying subduction interface has been shown to be elastically almost fully coupled (Fig. 1c; Wallace et al., 2012; Clark et al., 2019). A number of active faults cr...
(2014)all tell stories in which trade and the rise of China have had left marks on the US economy. In my preferred version, there were two factors, the rise of low-wage China and a sharp appreciation of the US dollar in the late 1990s (Figure 1, t...