他说「同一种元素的原子有相同的重量(weight),不同元素的原子有不同的重量。」因此atomic weight在中文里翻译成了「原子量」。但是当时由于重量和质量(mass)是相同的概念,因此虽然实际中获得的都是原子的相对质量,但仍然称作原子量。 20世纪初,物理学家采用质谱技术测量原子质量,使用了在物理学上比...
Relative isotopic mass,英文定义如下: The relative isotopic mass of an atom is the ratio of its atomic mass to the atomic mass of a reference isotope of the same element. It is used to account for the different masses of atoms that have different isotopes....
However, in quantum physics, both the vibration effect and the zero point energy are related to nuclear mass (e.g., the zero energy of 6Li is 7/6 times the zero energy of 7Li) [16]. Therefore, the quantum effect leads to differences in isotopic properties. Gromnitskaya et al. ...
Relative Isotopic Mass- This is the ratio of the mass of a single atom to the mass of a unified atomic mass unit. This is synonymous with atomic mass. Standard Atomic Weight- This is the expected atomic weight or relative atomic mass of an element sample in the Earth's crust and atmosph...
Examples of relative atomic mass relative atomic mass For the natural isotopic composition of each element it shows "name", "atomic number", "symbol", "atomic weight" (orrelativeatomicmass) and a link to the element's "isotopes". From ...
Accuracy of relative isotopic abundance and mass measurements in a single-stage orbitrap mass spectrometer. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012; 26 :1081–1090. doi: 10.1002/rcm.6195. [ Cross Ref ]suppression, a phenomenon observed in a single‐stage Orbitrap mass spectrometer...
In stellar evolution theory, the fractional abundance of H by mass is known as X, that of He is known as Y, and that of all other elements are known as Z. In stars, the abundances are determined from the strengths of absorption lines in the spectrum combined with other parameters in ...
Lamos SM, Shortreed MR, Frey BL, Belshaw PJ, Smith LM (2007) Relative quantification of carboxylic acid metabolites by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry using isotopic variants of cholamine. Anal Chem 79:5143–5149Lamos, S. M.; Shortreed, M. R.; Frey, B. L.; Belshaw, P. J.; ...
The dominant climate-controlling system of the southwestern Gobi Desert and its surrounding areas in China at interannual to centennial time scale has not