Calculated relative humidity inside closed space: Setpoint relative humidity inside closed space: % Volume of space: m3 or length x width x height m length, m width, m height Required amount of H2O (gram) per kg air to reach the desiredrelative humidity: which equals for the space mentio...
DpDp –Dew point temperature (in °C) (to learn more about it, visit the dew point calculator); RHRH –Relative humidity; TT –Air temperature; and β=17.625β=17.625 and λ=243.04°Cλ=243.04°C –Revised Magnus coefficients as recommended by Alduchov and Eskridge. Substituting the value...
The Humidity Calculator is built to focus on Relative Humidity measurement for engineers. Users can also choose between different units and parameter inputs such as dew point, wet-blub temperature, frost point, vapor concentration, and more. It can be used as a standalone tool or in combination...
Humidity calculator solving for relative humidity given actual vapor pressure and saturated vapor pressure
The first calculator converts relative humidity to absolute humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressure. The second calculator does the opposite - converts absolute humidity to relative humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressur
Humidity calculator solving for actual vapor pressure given relative humidity and saturated vapor pressure
October 2023: Kudos to Jan Nikolas Dicke for this useful online indoor/outdoor absolute humidity calculator based on the computation formula developed and published here on CarnotCycle, supported by clarifying calculations on the effect of opening the windows. All you need is a weather station with...
Crane W1B '(1982) Computing grassland and forest fire behavior, relative humidity and drought index by pocket calculator. Aust For 45(2):89-97Crane, W.J.B., 1982. Computing grassland and forest fire behaviour, relative hu- midity and drought index by pocket calculator. Aust. For. 45 (...