AverageMass?15kg15kg 5kg 15kg CalculatingRelativeAtomicMasses •Amachinecalledamassspectrometercanquicklydeterminewhichisotopesarepresentandtherelativequantityofeach.•Wecanthensimplycalculateaweightedaverage(link)fromtheresults.•Beforewetackleafewofthoselet’scalculatesomeweightedaveragesofbiggerthings!Whatisthe...
White vinegar is a 5.0% by mass solution of acetic acid in water. If the density of white vinegar is 1.007 g/cm3, what is the pH? The ionization constant of lactic acid, CH3CH(OH)CO2H, an acid found in the blood after strenuous exercise, is 1.36 × 10−4. If 20.0 g of lactic...
White vinegar is a 5.0% by mass solution of acetic acid in water. If the density of white vinegar is 1.007 g/cm3, what is the pH? The ionization constant of lactic acid, CH3CH(OH)CO2H, an acid found in the blood after strenuous exercise, is 1.36 × 10−4. If 20.0 g of lactic...