a non-defining relative clause.“谁在超市工作”是一个非限定性关系从句。So there you have it.就是这样了。Easy ways to distinguish between defining and non-defining relative clauses, so we don't need to be afraid of them anymore.区分定义和非定义关系子句的简单方法,因此我们不再需要害怕它们。
【题目】GrammarRELATIVE CLAUSES(I):DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES⑤Read these sentences and discuss which word(s) in thesentences the clauses (in italics)refer to.Which of the clauses above gives:information to identfythe person(s)/object(s)?(defining clause)extra informaion about a ...
Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses Use relative clauses to provide extra information. This information can either define something (defining ..
We don't use 'that' in non-defining relative clauses, so we need to use 'which' if the pronoun refers to a thing, and 'who' if it refers to a person. We can't drop the relative pronoun in this kind of clause, even if the relative pronoun is the object of the clause. (Clause...
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (4) - DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES8 Read the sentences and discuss which word(s) the clauses (in italics) refer to.1 Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earth's history.2 These include the third mass extinction...
som ething (defining clause), or provide unnecessary, but interesting, added information (non-defining clause).Relative clauses can be introduced by:∙ a relative pronoun: who (whom), which, that, whose ∙no relative pronoun ∙where, why and when instead of a relative pronoun You ...
.The falseonescouldbe: -Truedefinitionswithsomethingchanged -Truedefinitionswithsomefalseinformationadded -Completelymadeupdefinitions(perhapsbecauseyoudon’tknowtheexpression) Youmustwriteatleastonetruedefinitionandatleastonefalsedefinition.Alldefinitions musthavedefiningand/ornon-definingrelativeclauses,e.g.using...
高中英语北师大版选择性必修一UNIT 3 Period 6 Focus on Language—Relative Clauses(4)—Defining and Non-defining Clauses.pdf,1在地球的历史进程中,许多物种曾灭绝例如,在第三万年的一次大规模灭绝中,大约有九百万人死亡2科学家们的研究表明,生物种群在自然因素包
2.Non-definingrelativeclauses DEFININGRELATIVECLAUSES Thesedescribetheprecedingnouninsuchawaytodistinguishitfromothernounsofthesameclass.A clauseofthiskindisessentialtoclearunderstandingofthenoun. Theboywhowasyingismybrother. DefiningRelativePronouns SUBJECTOBJECTPOSSESSIVE ...
They are usually divided into two types –defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses. 定语从句是对句子里的名词加入额外的信息。一般来讲,有两种类型的定语从句—限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。 Defining relative clauses 限定性定语从句 Look at this sentence: 看如下例句:• The ...