atomic mass, atomic weight mass - the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field combining weight, eq, equivalent weight, equivalent - the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is ...
If the atomic mass of an element is x, what is the mass in grams of 6.02 X 10^{23} atoms of the element? What is the number of protons in sodium? What is the definition of atomic weight in chemistry? What is the atomic mass of sulfur?
relations of production Relationship Relationships relative relative address relative age relative airflow relative atomic mass relative attenuation relative autonomy relative azimuth relative bandwidth relative bearing relative biological effectiveness Relative Biological Effectiveness Rbe relative byte address relative...
混合物 mixture 相对原子质量 relative atomic mass(abbr. Ar) 相对分子质量 relative molecular mass (abbr. Mr) 化学式量 relative formula mass 物质的量 amount of substance 阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro constant (abbr. NA) 摩尔mole 摩尔质量 molar mass 实验式/最简式/经验式 empirical formula 气体摩尔体积 mol...
of airborne PM complex mixture (Bell and Ebisu2012; Dreher et al.1997; Molinelli et al.2006; Schlesinger et al.2006; Ying et al.2009). Some of these toxic metals are elements with high densities, specific gravities, and/or atomic weights. Their source of entry varies among deposition of ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic SpectrometryS.E. Gilbert, L.V. Danyushevsky, K. Goemann, D. Death, Fractionation of sulfur relative to iron during laser ablation-ICP-MS analyses of sulphide minerals: implications for quantification, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 29 (2014) 1024-1033....
Many of the herbicides used in site preparation of forests and during initial selective weed management can persist in the soil for several months, killing or stunting seedlings of broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) as they establish. The objective of t
(all forms, as a percentage), organic carbon, inorganic carbon, total carbon, total sulfur (ppm), Lime-CaCO3 (%), pH, EC (µS/cm), phosphorus (P2O5, in mg/kg) and percent organic matter. PCA was conducted to reduce the number of soil chemistry variables that may differ between ...
of formation routes for sulfate aerosols, such as, direct evolution of H2SO4and oxidation of sulfur-containing gas5,6,7. SO2is the predominant sulfur-containing atmospheric gas, which is released into the troposphere mainly by fossil fuel combustion and volcanic emission. The conversion of SO2to...
atomic mass,atomic weight mass- the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field combining weight,eq,equivalent weight,equivalent- the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxy...