Gaps in the Record: Unconfomities Dating rock layers with folds, faults, etc. is difficult, but imagine dating rocks that have missing layers. The missing layers are caused by erosion or nondeposition—they weren’t put there to start with—and they are called unconformities. Unconformitie...
Quiz Course 79K views Relative Age vs. Absolute Age As discussed above, relative age refers to the approximate age of the rock and geologic events compared to other rock layers. The process of determining relative age is called relative dating - a process that puts geologic events in chrono...
Geologic time Relative dating Interpreting Earth’s Rocks to Determine Its Past History Geologic Time Relative Time - sequence of geologic events in a region (order of past events) Absolute Time – numeric- time in years; use radioactive isotopes. How do we know how old something is? James H...