This chapter builds on this motivation and relational context using Contextual Action Theory (CAT) as a multi-dimensional framework to organize and support recovery from addiction in the short, medium and long term.A key concept in CAT sees most human behaviors as goal-directed actions undertaken ...
Los Angeles based coach Brianne Davis specializes in individual and couples counseling, sex and love addiction, trauma, relationships, life coach, sober coach
a disordered relationship withfood, or maybe you’ve hit rock-bottom withaddiction. It may be all three, but it’s the wake up call and the inner nudge that you deserve more. As a specialized therapist in couples therapy, eating disorders,...
Accessing addiction recovery capital via online and offline channels: The role of peer-support and shared experiences of addiction A.A. Moustafa (Ed.), Cognitive, clinical, and neural aspects of drug addiction, Elsevier (2020) Google Scholar Brailovskaia and Margraf, 2018 Brailovskaia J., Margr...
2017). Although it has been proposed that depressed individuals may have a tendency to generate interpersonal stress (Coyne 1976), there has also been evidence indicating that interpersonal problems persist after recovery (Coryell et al. 1993), contribute to the development of depressive symptoms (...
link, the leading alcohol monitoring technology for documenting proof of sobriety, is excited to launch its inspiring “Proof is Powerful” initiative. This campaign aims to emphasize the life-changing impact of proving sobriety in healing ...
Cementing Relationships Grasim Industries Limited Sustainability Report 07- 08 Cement Business Corporate Sustainability which in the original sense of the word stands for 'long-term viable business'; is also conceptualised today as simultaneous creation of economic, environmental and social value. Social ...
For example, a meta-analysis found a positive association between ill-being and social media use (r = 0.17) and ill-being and media addiction (r = 0.43; Marciano et al., 2022). For instance, the overuse of short video apps (including TikTok) during the pandemic in middle school ...
(Willoughby & Dover,2023). When this online content is used regularly, it can lead to problematic consumption, which includes aspects like self-perceived addiction, inappropriate use of pornography in contexts such as work, school, or university, or its utilization as maladaptive coping with ...
Pre-treatment strengths (hope, spirituality, appreciation of beauty and excellence) predicted post-treatment recovery from depression; cognitive vulnerabilities did not. Strengths and vulnerabilities sometimes interacted, with strengths weakening the relationship between vulnerabilities and well-being. Our ...