2. Are You the One to Come? On the Relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus (Matt 11.2-6, 7-11//Luke 7.18-23, 24-28) : Narrative Elements in the Double Tradition A Study of Their Place within the Framework of the Gospel Narrative...
If your theology is not bringing you love, joy and peace, you do not know the truth about Jesus. You are believing a lie. Have the courage to seek Jesus and the truth. Regardless of the lies that some well meaning people or institutions have told you, Jesus does love you, completely,...
Free eBook: Seeing as Jesus Sees 3 Stories of Compassion in the Bible by Bryant Wright and Send Relief. sendrelief.org New Book from John MacArthur "The War on Children: Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World" amazon.com New Bible Documentary—Coming Soon! This film ...
v. 15 He is the “firstborn of creation” v. 16 “by Him all things were created in heaven and earth” v. 18 “He is the head…the beginning, the firstborn from the dead that He may have preeminence.” Then, in John 1:1-5 v. 1 He (the Word, which is Jesus) was “In th...
the sound, even though I did not understand the meaning of the text. However, after embracing Christianity, “Amazing Grace” has been a wonderful companion and master teacher throughout my journey. In this transcendent autoethnography, I answer the research question, “What does spirituality sound...
For instance, in Revolve, a popular “Biblezine” for adolescent girls, the authors of the commentary encourage readers to imagine Jesus shopping with them and to ask themselves if he would be “pleased with the outfit you’re about to buy” ([73], p. 167). Sexual purity teachings and ...
Who is God, who is Christ, who are we, and what are our relationships to each other? People learning about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often intrigued by the Church's teachings on these issues, while critics often devote far too much energy in attacking them. ...
Points of contact between Luke and John; Shared omissions; Narratives of Luke and John on John the Baptist, the anointing of Jesus by a woman, Jesus' appearance before the Jewish authorities, Peter's denial and post-resurrection.Shellard
The council also expressed respect for Islam as a faith that worships the one God living and subsistent, venerates Jesus as a prophet, and honors virgin mother Mary. Judaism was the foundation for Christianity, and although Jewish authorities with their followers called for the death of Christ,...
In light of this analogy between Jesus and Master Chief, Captain Keyes may be compared to another important character in the stories about Christ: John the Baptist. The evidence here is that Keyes gives Master Chief his pistol after being woken up from cryogenic stasis, or resurrected, in the...