Relationship between wavenumber 4 pattern of sporadic E layer intensity and eastward propagating diurnal tide with zonal wavenumber 3 in low latitude regionRelationshipPattern of SporadicLatitude RegionIonospheric sporadic E layers are irregularities with enhanced plasma density which occur in the ionosphere ...
This article analyses the distribution feature and influential mechanism between urban horizon and high buildings by the technologic method of Geographical Information System.Based on the aerial image of the central urban area of Shanghai,every high building was vectorized.Then,the vector data were over...
Seismic waves are waves that are generated by earthquakes, and form from the energy that is radiated when tectonic pressure is released. The measurement of both of these types of waves by seismographs provides enough information to isolate the location, depth, and magnitude of an earthquake....
First, the photon energy Ei or, equivalently, the wave angular frequency ωI must be conserved. Second, the component of the wave vector k→ that is parallel to the interface between material I and material f must be conserved or, in the language of photons, the photon momentum parallel ...
Fig. 7. In situ DRIFT profiles of BCR under (a), (b) 1 vol% NO/He, and (c), (d) 1 vol% NO+2 vol% O2/He at 30–600 °C. Table 2. Detailed assignment of NO adsorption bands by in situ DRIFT profiles. Wavenumber (cm−1)BondVibrationAdsorbed speciesStructure 2240,...
(1720 cm−1) remained the same after UV irradiation; however, it shifted towards a higher wavenumber because the disappearance of the C=C double bond cause the destruction of the its conjugate. As the curing reaction proceeds the C=C double bond becomes a C-C single bond, therefore, ...
ENERGY conversionPOLAR vortexTROPOSPHEREQUASI-biennial oscillation (Meteorology)Taking the stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) event in February 2018 as an example, the relationship between the SSW event and the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) mode over mid-high-latitude Eurasia is investigated by...
Frequency-wavenumber spectral analysis complemented this statistical description of mesoscale variability. It shows that the dominant wavelengths of around 200 to 500 km (depending on latitude) are associated with long periods (>150 days) in the eastern part of the basin, while near the Gulf Stream...
Raman spectroscopy was conducted on a Renishaw inVia upright microscope with 532 nm laser source at wavenumber range of 0–1200 cm−1. 2.2.2. Ionic conductivity measurement The sintered pellets were coated by Ag paste at both sides as the blocking electrodes. The ionic conductivities were ...
Examining the three-dimensional (3D) wavenumber-frequency spectrum is a relatively straightforward way to discriminate between the bound and free wave energy as these follow different dispersion relations (see, e.g., in [43]). However, estimating the full 3D wave spectrum requires high-resolution ...