(2002). Relationship between poverty and health among adolescents. Adolescence, 37(145): 55-67.Relationship between poverty and health among adolescents. Abernathy,T. J.,Webster,G.,Vermeulen,M. Adolescence . 2002Abernathy J, Webster G, Vermeulen M. Relationship between poverty and health among ...
Prior research has shown that there is a link betweenmental healthandpovertyfor some people. Research has also shown that it is not always easy to determine whethermental health problemslead to poverty, or vice versa. In either case, the researchers begin their paper by wondering why people who...
This study aimed to explore the relationship between poverty and children’s mental health in the social context of China. Data were consisted of 1314 children, which were collected with a multi-stage cluster random sampling method in Xiushui, a typical poverty city in China. Structural equation...
Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse the health and social interaction status. An ordinal probit model was used to estimate the influential effects and differences on health caused by social interaction. The 2SLS model was used to examine the mutual causality relationship between ...
health poverty vulnerabilitylatent class analysismiddle-aged and older adultsmultimorbidity patternsThis study aims to identify multimorbidity patterns and examine whether health poverty vulnerability (HPV) varies among adults aged 45 years or more. Data from 4338 participants were extracted from a Chinese ...
The Relationship Between Poverty & Infectious Disease 8:29 Next Lesson Malaria | Definition, Causes, & Transmission HIV & AIDS | History, Origin & Epidemic The Ebola Virus and other Deadly Filoviridae Viruses5:49 West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, and Hepatitis C: The Flaviviridae Virus Family7:01...
The relationship between the mental health and academic achievement of college students is not only related to their individual growth and development but also has a profound impact on the quality of higher education and the cultivation of social talent. Understanding the interaction and influencing mec...
The title Poor housingpoor health: what is the relationship? suggests an explanation of the interaction between the two. In practice, the interaction is more like a triangular relation between poverty, poor health and housing. Moreover, within this triangle the occupants'' perceptions, including ...
‘The feminization of poverty’ has received considerable attention, both in the popular press and in the academic literature.1 It refers to the fact that, over the last few decades, a large, and increasing, proportion of poor families in the United Stat
Relationship arrangements about sex with outside partners are common among gay couples, and meaningful distinctions in psychological and behavioral health correlates have been found among nonmonogamous agreement types. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between sexual agreements and...