The Relationship between Vocabulary and Literacy When Intelligence is Held ConstantA 36-point measure of adjustment was used to compare 100 adult male illiterates who admit to frequent constipation with 100 similar illiterates who claimed that they were not constipated. For every item in the 36-...
Intelligence, academic self-concept, and information literacy: the role of adequate perceptions of academic ability in the acquisition of knowledge about i... Thus, academic self-concept should moderate the relationship between intelligence and information literacy: a positive relationship between intelligen...
This study describes the language and literacy skills of 11-year-olds attending a mainstream school in an area of social and economic disadvantage. The proportion of these young people experiencing difficulties in decoding and reading comprehension was identified and the relationship between spoken langua...
Cultureandlanguageareintertwinedandshapeeachother.Itis impossibletoseparatethetwo.Languageisnotamatterofneutralcodes andgrammaticalrules.Eachtimeweselectwordsfromsentences.Weall agreethatlanguagehelpsincommunicatingwithpeoplefromdifferent backgrounds.However,wemaybelessawarethatculturalliteracyis necessarytounderstandthelan...
Skourtou, E. (1995). Some notes about the relationship between bilingualism and literacy concerning the teaching of Greek as a second language. European Journal of Intercultural Studies, 6/2, 24-30.Skourtou, E. (1995). Some Notes about the Relationship between Bilingualism and Literacy ...
Specifically, he details the possibility to learn more deeply in “language and literacy” is to know the difference in writing and communicate between cultures (202). He supports his explanation by discussing “modern consciousness” and how it works in essays through the interaction of Athabaskan...
Some of the key areas in which my tutor and I held different assumptions about literacy included: the qualities of self which literacy skills display; the value of analytic approaches to learning literacy versus holistic ones; the relationship between form and content; and the signs of a good ...
The relationship between language and symbolic play : real or pretend? : a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Arts at the University of Otago, Du... The relationship between language and symbolic play : real or pretend? : a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Arts at ...
The Relationship Between Biblical Literacy, Academic Achievement, and School Behavior Among Christian- and Public-School Students Journal of Youth MinistryJohnson, Alexander
However, little is known about the relationship between literacy and specific cognitive domains. Methods. Study participants were 664 community-living adults aged 65 years or older who were participating in a community-based study of health and function in Sonoma, California. Literacy was measured ...