In this study, statistical analyses were performed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Logistic regression model was used to determine the relationship between gender and developmental status. A P value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The prevalence of developmental delay ...
Laatsch, L. & Shahani, B. T. (1996). The relationship between age, gender and psychological distress in rehabilitation inpatients. Disability & Rehabilita- tion: An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 18 (12), 604-608.The relationship between age, gender and psychological distress in ...
The statistical analysis revealed that although age was not correlated with years of education, functional status, or neuropsychological impairment there was a significant inverse relationship between age and reported emotional distress. Utilizing MANCOVA to explore the impact of age and gender on ...
This article reports two studies that aim at further distinguishing intellectual styles from abilities by taking into account the confounding effects of age and gender on the relationship between these two constructs. Two independent groups of secondary school students responded to the Thinking Styles Inv...
Third variables may impact the relationship between the variables of interest in very different ways (Zapf et al., 1996). For instance, there may be rather stable, time-invariant effects (e.g., effects of gender, or personality) on both the assessment of one’s own health status and the...
The objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between gender and employee attitudes among temporary employees. Drawing on gender role theory, we hypothesized that female temporary employees, compared to male counterparts, will have more positive attitudes toward their organizations. We...
The Relationship between Age, Gender, Prestige, Social Media, Area of Origin, Level of English Proficiency and the Use of White Language in Riyadh City in ... The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between the symbolic play skill development and language skill development in both...
Literature review and hypotheses development Social exchange and green innovation Social exchange theory (SET) is a theoretical framework that elucidates social behavior and interactions based on the exchange of resources between individuals or entities (Blau, 1964). This theory posits that these exchanges...
This study examined the theoretical relationship between moral development and Black racial identity development among African American university students. Results indicated that racial identity and moral judgments are linked and that emotionality embedded within Black racial identity statuses differentially influ...
With regard to the relationship between computer-game experience and mental-rotation ability this means that mental-rotation can be better improved through some computer-games than through others. This study first examined gender differences in MRT performance and in computer-game experience. It also ...