Introduction Joint arthroplasty is a particularly complex orthopaedic surgical procedure performed on joints, including the hip, knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, wrist and even digit joints. Increasing evidence from volume鈥搊utcomes research supports the finding that patients undergoing joint arthroplasty in...
a40 patients with stroke and spasticity in a functionally useless arm (medianduration 3.1 years) were randomized to receive intramuscular botulinum toxin type A (BT-A; Dysport) (n=20) or placebo (n=20) in a total dose of 1000 MU divided between elbow, wrist, and finger flexors. ...
Are psychosocial factors, risk factors for symptoms and signs of the shoulder, elbow, or hand/wrist?: A review of the epidemiological literature. Background: In 1993, an extensive review on the role of psychosocial factors in the development of musculoskeletal problems was published by Bongers ...
For example, during pointing the shoulder, elbow and wrist muscles appear to be controlled as a coupled functional system, rather than singly and separately. The recurrent pattern of intrinsic synaptic connections between motor cortical points is likely part of the explanation for this operational ...
, mostly in the supine position and during moderately functional tasks such as thumb-finger opposition or elbow flexion-extension [12]. To monitor brain activations under more ecological conditions, i.e., during upright, unrestrained, functional tasks, it is possible to use portable brain imagery ...
The sensory attributes were assessed on two defined circular measurement sites (d = 4 cm) on each volar forearm, placed 7 cm from the wrist and elbow, and distanced 2 cm from each other. Each circle was labelled with a sticker with the formulation 3-digit code according to the randomized...
At 16 weeks, the MAS scores were significantly reduced in the hemiparetic arm for all doses in the elbow and wrist and also in the fingers in the 1000 U Dysport group. No sig 接受Dysport的所有3个小组在所有联接显示了对 (MAS修改过的Ashworth) 标度比分的重大减少在星期4比较安慰剂。 在16个...
Once an acceptable reduction was obtained, a non-circular below-elbow plaster cast was applied up to the metacarpophalangeal joints, with the wrist immobilized in neutral rotation with ulnar deviation and slight flexion. The mean time between injury and reduction was 3 h (range: 30 min–20 h...
Using the smaller grip also led to a trend in negative linear relationship between shoulder joint and wrist joint in KCAV across grip conditions. Grip pressure for grip size 2 showed the same pattern across gripping conditions. From 50-75% of completion in forward swing, the pressure difference...
Each participant was seated in an upright position, shoulder slightly abducted, elbow flexed at 90°, and wrist in a neutral position. Participants were instructed to squeeze the handle as much as possible three times, each time the squeeze lasted for 5 seconds and 30-seconds rest period was...