There is little information on the numerical distribution of lymphoid nodules (LN) in distal segments of the human large bowel. A novel approach was therefore developed to assess the number of LN in the sigmoid colon, the rectosigmoid segment, the rectum, and the anal canal in humans. The ...
The rectum extended from the recto-sigmoid flexure to the anal canal, and the median (range) follow-up for LRB was 58 (4–259) months. Rectal cross sectional area, length, and volume were compared between LRB and non- LRB patients (Mann-Whitney-test). The ability of dose metrics to ...
In magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), there is a transfer of energy from the velocity field to the magnetic field in the inertial range itself. As a result, the inertial-range energy fluxes of velocity and magnetic fields exhibit significant variations. Still,
global settlement systems;cross-border and transcontinental relations;integration and communication processes;modeling of global urban and environmental development;principles–compromises;sustainable balance;methods of conflict resolution 1. Introduction 1.1. Development of Scientific Concepts and Approaches in the...