RELATIONSHIP:一个人和他的父母之间存在父子关系,因为该人是父母所生。2. 信息对象之间的关系 RELATION...
Relation vs Relationship 表达不同“关系”的英语单词 摘要:本文将为大家讲解区分一下 'relation' 和 'relationship'。 "Hi, This is Ashley. I love your programme. I want to ask about the differences between 'relation' and 'relationship'. Thank you." Ashley 下载 下载音频 下载文字稿 说到关系这个...
class Address(Base): __tablename__ = 'addresses' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) email_address = Column(String, nullable=False) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) user = relationship("User", backref=backref('addresses', order_by=id)) My question is: what is ...
A child’s early experiences also help him form a stable relationship. Man tries to enter into a relationship at every stage in his life. Maintaining a strong relationship requires a lot of care and communication. Everyone needs to have a relationship. The need to have a relationship arises t...
''compared to'' vs ''in relation to'' 'relation' and 'relationship' “I put down this relation of his, [Engineering] definite relation ~, <short of being> in a different relation to everyone about me, Peggotty excepted, ~ a circle of central players, central in relation to ... ...
DataRelation Class Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: System.Data Assembly: System.Data.Common.dll Source: DataRelation.cs Represents a parent/child relationship between two DataTable objects. C# 复制 [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.Data.RelationshipConverter))] public ...
The OLE DB Data Shaping Service can be used to create a relationship between two rowsets retrieved from parent and child tables that have at least one field in common. You can have exact control in building this type of hierarchy by specifying the relationship in the SHAPE command. Performance...
RelationshipSubType RelationshipType RelativeFieldBinding Report ReportAutoDesignSpecs ReportBitmapControl ReportBlockType ReportControl ReportDateControl ReportDateTimeControl ReportDesign ReportEnumControl ReportFieldGroup ReportFieldType ReportGuidControl ReportInt64Control ReportIntegerControl ReportLibraryNode Repor...
RelationshipType RelativeFieldBinding Report ReportAutoDesignSpecs ReportBitmapControl ReportBlockType ReportControl ReportDateControl ReportDateTimeControl ReportDesign ReportEnumControl ReportFieldGroup ReportFieldType ReportGuidControl ReportInt64Control ReportIntegerControl ReportLibraryNode ReportOutput ReportOutputUse...
DictDataEntityField DictEnum DictField DictFieldGroup DictFullTextIndex DictIndex DictLicenseCode DictRelation DictRelation Constructors Fields Methods __shouldCallNew Cardinality createNavigationPropertyMethods EDTRelation entityRelationshipRole entityRelationshipRoleLabelId externTable handle isSelfLink isSurrogateFore...