A surface pressure/temperature transducer has been used to measure contact zone pressure and temperature distribution between a pair of steel disks. In addition, traction/slip curves have been generated for the same conditions. Data for oils representing a broad range of lubricant types are presented...
The working fluid of the Otto cycle is air, therefore it is also a gas cycle. There are four different processes in the Otto cycle, out of which two are adiabatic and two are constant volume processes. The relation between the pressure and temperature for an adiabatic process is gi...
B. The relation between temperature and pressure is complex. C. The relationbetween species diversity and ecosystem stability is a hot research topic. D. The relation between education level and income is well-documented. 3.在商业中 A. I have many business relations in the UK. B. The compan...
Pressure-Volume-Temperature relation 英文Pressure-Volume-Temperature relation 中文【化】 压力-体积-温度关系
5.The parameters mean the evaporation capacity or the volume, pressure, and temperature.介质参数是指蒸发量或容积、压力、温度。 6.Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.压力随温度成正比例变化, 与容积成反比例变化。 7.The Research on Annealing Stove of Pressure Vessel Te...
2) pressure-volume-temperature relations 压力-容积-温度关系 例句>> 3) pressure-volume-temperature relation(P-V-T) 压强-体积-温度关系4) pressure-volume-temperature(PVT) measurement system 温度-体积-压力测试系统5) PVT (pressure,volume,temperature) 压力-体积-温度...
5) pressure-volume-temperature relation 压力-体积-温度关系 6) pressure-volume-temperature relations 压力-容积-温度关系 例句>> 补充资料:压力-体积-温度关系 见-V-T关系&dbname=ecph&einfoclass=item">p-V-T关系。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
IT has been long recognised that the lines of the iron spectrum are displaced towards the red when the pressure about their source is increased, the magnitude of the displacement being not the same for all the lines. On account of this fact Gale and Adams (Astrophys. Journ. 35, 1912, p...
Water exhibits a maximum in density at normal pressure at 4° above its melting point. The reproduction of this maximum is a stringent test for potential models used commonly in simulations of water. The relation between the melting temperature and the temperature of maximum density for these pote...
The purpose of this investigation was to study the relationship between skin blood flow, external pressure and temperature in the skin over bony prominences and muscle padded areas, when healthy individuals and patients with hemiplegia were lying in the supine position on a standard hospital mattress...