Thus, we used our extensional regime data set to con- strain the distance term bs, the pseudodepth h, and the con- stant offset by At each period we formed the residuals tested except those in the 0.1-0.2 sec range. It must be re- called that the predicted motions depend on the ...
Interactions between dry matter, nutrient accumulation, remobilization and seed yield are essential to select hybrids that produce high seed yields with high nutrient content, which is pivotal for sustainable food security and nutrition [22]. Knowing the accumulation of dry matter and nutrients at diff...
Relationship between the number of samples and the power of the statistical test. 6. Conclusions Based on the presented research and calculations, the following conclusions can be drawn: The error difference according to Formula (5) of determination of characteristics when using different numbers of...
Figure 8. Load-strain curve of the 3 mm-diameter specimen of both materials; comparison between the experimental results and the numerical models. The steps used for the damage evolution analysis are represented with blue circles (the engineering strain has been obtained using an initial gauge leng...
Strain and strain rate dependence of gellan, agar and agar–gellan gels as model systems. J. Food Eng. 2014, 141, 93–98. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Verbeken, D.; Thas, O.; Dewettinck, K. Textural properties of gelled dairy desserts containing κ-carrageenan and starch. Food ...
plastic concrete; constitutive relation; failure criteria; true triaxial compressive stress; stress-strain behavior1. Introduction Plastic concrete is considered a five-phase construction material composed of cement, water, aggregate, and bentonite, which has great deformation capacity under load, excellent...
Understanding frictional forces and thus energy dissipation between two sliding bodies is a central task of tribology. The Prandtl model is arguably the simplest and most generic non-linear model explaining why and how energy dissipates microscopically [1,2,3]. It consists of a mass point, which...
The welding process was carried out using a buffer layer made with a covered electrode, ERWS 19-12-3 L with a diameter of 3.25 mm and a welding current of 110 A, as shown in Figure 4. The purpose of the buffer layer was to transfer the stresses between the base material and ...
Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of four different endophytic bacteria strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens strain L5b, Pseudomonas gessardii strain L13, Bacillus subtilis strain Bs1 and Bacillus mojavensis strain ApBm) on germination and seedling vigor of immature and mature bell ...