Thereafter, it's population decreased gradually and negligible population was recorded upto second week of April. A significant positive correlation was observed between pest population and maximum and minimum temperature, whereas, it was non-significant positive with average relative humidity. A non-...
Multiple regression analysis (MRA) equations between weather parameters as independent factors and prediction of Alternaria blight (AB) severity as dependent factors on the most commonly grown susceptible rapeseed yellow sarson cv. T-151 and mustard cv. Varuna were est...
The average precipitation difference was 112 mm between the driest and wettest months in the region. July is the hottest (average temp 24.1 °C), and January is the coldest month (average temperature of 1.5 °C) in the region [27]. Figure 1. Map of the study area indicating the ...
(TEMP), relative humidity (RH), pressure (PRESS) and the total amount of precipitation for all measuring periods of 2014 in the study area, Figure S1 The percentage contributions of individual PAHs to the sum of the measured PAHs in (a) winter; (b) spring; (c) summer; (d) autumn, ...
Pmat.x treat.: Significance of interaction between maturity levels and treatments. Priming treatments have a crucial impact on germination vigor. Mean germination time is one of the methods used to determine seed vigor. When the mean germination time of bio-primed and control seeds were examined,...